With the rising trends in crime, workplace violence, school campus incidents, and terrorism, managing security operations can be overwhelming, especially in venues like malls, museums, schools, and other public spaces. These events remind us that threats are real, and the aftermath of these events will have a long-lasting effect on our communities.
A balanced security program requires proactive prevention planning that should be taken seriously. Often the mindset is focused on response protocols only. This mindset needs to change, if we only focus on responding to acts of violence, then we have failed in our obligation to "duty of care". This failure can lead to loss of life, valuable resources and of course, litigation.
To assist our clients in becoming prevention practitioners, BLUELINE offers the following services:
There are hundreds of books on the topic of security, covering every aspect imaginable; the use of technology, approaches to vulnerability assessments, threat assessments, how to apply the proper methodology and how to manage security risks to name a few.
There are probably an equal number of after-action reports, case studies and commission reports regarding the causes and affects of the tragic events of school shootings, attacks at houses of worship, and workplace violence incidents. A consistent theme in these publications is the recommendation for organizational leadership to engage in the process of an independent security assessment.
BLUELINE offers a wide range of assessment options, from a basic vulnerability survey to a comprehensive All Hazards assessment. To learn more or to request a proposal, please click below.

Security & Emergency Response Plan Review
The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Review Program is an affordable way to have an independent review of your organization's ERP. Your plan will be reviewed by a subject matter expert and evaluated to see if it meets the minimum standards set by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 1600), as well as any standards or best practice established within your industry. Once the process is completed, you will receive a detailed report highlighting any gaps along with recommendations on how to achieve desired standards. Let’s Get Started!
Specialized Training Services
No matter what your professional development security needs are, BLUELINE is ready to help you, or your team develop the skills to become more confident in managing security challenges within your organization.
BLUELINE has provided training support to our clients for over 30 years. Whether it’s an emergency management tabletop exercise or teaching new school campus Public Safety Officers how to do a security assessment, participants are engaged at all levels of training. We not only understand the training process, we are extremely accomplished at bringing it to life. In a sense, systematic instructional design is a part of our organizational DNA.
We believe this process is central to successful performance in the support of our client's training needs, and experience has shown us that this methodology greatly supports the statement of : “Tell me and I forget; Show me and I remember; Involve me and I understand”.
Want to discuss training further?